Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to the Grind...

Well, the holidays are over, and I'm back in lab. I'm trying not to think about it so instead of doing the millions of things I really need to do at work, I'm going to procrastinate 10 more minutes and show you some photos of my time with my family at my parent's lake house in north western Maryland.

The first few days we were there the ground was bare. That was sad because this week is the only time in the whole year we have much chance at all of seeing snow. Lucky for us, we got a couple inches just before the New Year. My crazy brother (John) and sister (Rachel) decided that 12 am on Jan 1st was the best time to jump in the freezing cold lake (they literally had to break a think layer of ice to do it), and make a snow angel before getting back in the hot tub. I watched, but was not even close to participating....

Adam and I did enjoy the snow in our own way though. It's just that we aren't insane!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Very cute! Sorry to hear about Adam losing his job. It is scary times!