Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yesterday on my way home from work, I got rear-ended. I had to break quickly because another car cut me off. The car behind me was too close and slam! Don't worry I'm fine. The other car had to be towed off. Their front was smashed in, their airbags deployed, and their alarm was roaring. I can't even see any visible damage to my car. They must have rammed directly into my trailer hitch and it must have absorbed all the impact. Talking to my mom last night she said, "Now aren't you glad you drive that gas-guzzling SUV?" She had a point. I have been complaining about the fact that my 20-year-old self thought an SUV was cool and didn't think about anything like fuel-efficiency or environmental friendliness. I still don't exactly like my gas mileage, but yesterday made me realize that I should be grateful for what I have instead of complaining about what I don't. Yesterday the car I had been complaining about saved me a lot of problems.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey! Sorry about the accident but i'm so glad that you aren't hurt and yes you are lucky to be in an SUV. I have acutally been the little car in the back twice (thanks to byu parking lots and then ryan did it last year with our volvo) and both time we hit a truck and both times the car was crushed and there wasn't a scratch on the truck! so I guess it pays to pay more for gas?! Well, sad about the layoff--that is so hard, I just am getting so scared about this economy and no one is safe so we as well as everyone is worried about our jobs. We will all be taken care of somehow though right?! Anyway, hang in there!