Saturday, January 10, 2009

Isn't she sweet?

Well, after that last post, I do feel a little like a fifth grader who is picked on one day at school. That night, he accidentally lets slip what happened, and the next morning, his mother storms into the classroom and tells off the whole class, ensuring that he will be the laughing stock of the whole school, from now on. I do appreciate Tiffany trying to defend my good name, but even I have to admit that I am kind of a goofball, and I generally deserve most of the slander that is aimed at me.

On another note,Tiff would like it known that a new version of my website is up, so that she can brag to all her friends (that's you folk, the readers!) about it. So here it is.



Mindy said...

Looks good. I like the Hobo and Ambush clips a lot.

Isaac said...

I love your work, someday I'll probably beg for you to sell some to me.

On the picked-on-fifth-grader note, Rachel loves to analyze our lives and draw similar conclusions, so I empathize.