Monday, January 11, 2010

Life as a PhD Student

Life as a PhD student can be tough. I love PhD comics because it takes my life and somehow brings out the humor in it. I love them all, but this has always been my very favorite one:
"Grad student etiquette"
This comic seems so appropriate most of the time, but it rings even more true today because I walked in to some very nasty data when I came in this morning. So please, please, please, don't ask me how my research is going! I'd much rather talk about the weather.

P.S. An old friend I hadn't talked to in years called me last night. It totally made my weekend. Don't you love it when things like that happen?


Adam Winsor said...

So how about those alto-cumulus clouds? SO POOFY! ;)

Laura said...

Love that comment!!! Hope you had a great Christmas and fun with the fam!!

Terry Sabin said...

How are your teeth coming along? You have always had a beautiful smile!!!
When can someone tell me how to make a comment on your blog without being called Spring Meadows??

McEuens said...

Haha! Scott loves that comic strip too. He showed me one the other day that was painfully accurate. Hope all is well!