Friday, March 13, 2009

One of those days...

It is one of those days. Where the one thing you want to go right just doesn't. The experiment that was going to save my butt didn't work and now I don't know what to do. I almost wrote an entire entry about how science sucks and nothing works and don't believe anything scientific you hear. But I thought better of it. Just don't try to get a PhD in it. That one I'm totally serious about.


John & Amber said...

Sorry that things aren't going the way you where hoping....we'll keep you in our prayers!!

Laura said...

Good luck Tiff! I did love science but you did choose the one that i didn't like :)! I just wasn't as good at that one but you obviosly are--so you can do it!!! you are getting so close and are so smart you will succed!!!