Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm a Winner!

Duke always sends out these surveys about how they can encourage us to use public transportation to commute or some such thing. They always promise that if we fill out the survey we get entered into a drawing for an assortment of prizes. I never believed the prizes actually existed because to my knowledge, no one seemed to be winning them. However, I dutifully filled out each and every survey because what else am I going to do during the 10 minutes here and there where I have to wait for something to incubate? However, apparently after I filled out the last survey about what would make me use the Recreation Center more, I did get entered into the drawing. I know because I won! The prize was a free car wash called the Ritz at a place near campus. Humm...., maybe now that I'm on a lucky streak I should buy a lotto ticket!

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