Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Crazy Summer

Well, it's been a crazy summer. In mid-June my co-advisor Craig got seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital. He had an infection called necrotizing fasciitis. He lost his left leg to right above the knee and nearly died. Luckily, he has pulled through the worst of it and is on his way to recovery. His only immediate family are his sister and parents who live in Toronto. Since we are quite close and I live near him, I have been doing a lot of the "family" type work that needs to be done when someone is taken suddenly away from their normal life and ends up hospitalized like that--plus there are still months of recovery ahead. Needless to say, it has been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster and at times physically and/or emotionally exhausting. That in combination with the fact that I just don't seem to know what to blog about can explain my long absence from posting. However, I did get away to take a fun trip with my family where we visited southern Alberta and then swung down to Glacier National Park in Montana. I have some fun photos and will try to post some of those later, but for now I have to finish up some lab work and then go home and get ready to fly to Phoenix where Adam's brother is getting married on Friday. Yea for Seth and Janette!

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