Thursday, January 22, 2009

What kind of Extraterrestrial has gotten a hold on my mother?

My mom just friended me on facebook. Now, don't get me wrong, if my mom is on facebook, I'm happy to be friends with her. It's just that I didn't even know she knew what facebook was. I mean it was not too long ago that I messaged her when I saw she was logged in to her gmail account and she had to go get one of my siblings to explain why I wasn't getting her message back (she didn't know she had to press enter). She has that one down now, but facebook? That just seems a little extreme. But mom, if you want to be on facebook, then go right a head. I am more than happy to be your friend.


Isaac said...

No fair, she hasn't friended me yet.

Mindy said...

I know what you mean! My mom and dad are both on Facebook surprisingly and they are doing pretty well even.

Kathleen said...

My mom is on facebook too!

JENNIFRO said...

Yeah I thought it was pretty funny when I got on...then came MY mother! I'm with ya!

Tiff said...

You win. I'm betting having your mom on facebook is the weirdest.

Terry Sabin said...

Hey, this is the Mom. I got on facebook and added 3 photoalbums in about 1 hour (OK, I admit it, Amber was sitting right beside me)